Just some notes
Here’s the updates! – email notifications for forms won’t work 🙂
Home Page
- Moving background gradient of orange/blue, small bit of purple
- More friendly font, easier to read
- New icons for the 3 Support options
- LGBTQ Icon in header
- Social Icons in header
- Log back in button
- Exit button everywhere in sticky footer
Web Chat
- No updates on this one, we’ll have to embed the chat code right at the end
Chat to TAV
- TAV on his own page
The hub
- Displays a grid of content that you can super easily add to yourself, can be pictures, text, video or links
- Still looking for a few more games to add in
Delilah’s page
- Displays a grid of user submitted ‘how I feel better’
- Again this content can be anything, a video, photo, text, text and a photo etc
- We have an upload creation button which launches a form – users can fill in what they like and upload images / videos – this information will be delivered to an email account of your choosing, you can then super easily upload in the WordPress admin area
About page
- Contains about content / policies and contact details
Delayed Messaging
- I’ve tried to annotate the whole process for users – let me know if you have preferred wording
- Users can sign up with username and email – they don’t have to use a real email address
- New fields added to the sign up form for age/location/gender
- Lost password – if a user supplied an email address this process will be automatic
- Lost password – if a user did not supply an email address then can click an option to open a form for a manual password reset. The details of this form will come to you by email. You will then be able to go into the admin area to reset their password – if they don’t supply an email address on this form they will have no way of knowing when the password has been reset, so have added a note of 24 hours
- Users can not now delete messages
- Bigger box for composing
- Bigger box for sending button
- No notifications through email
Delayed Messaging Admin
- In the WordPress users area you will be able to see all accounts and all the data provided (if provided)
- In this area you can also reset passwords / delete users / messages etc / ban people if needed